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Despite the wide scale use of ACTs, little is known about their long-term effects. It is important to consolidate the safety profiles of these drugs to document both known and previously unobserved side effects.

Useful resources | Peer-reviewed publications | Projects | News

Useful resources

Training manuals of drug shop trial in Uganda

Use of rapid diagnostic tests by drug shop vendors to improve malaria treatment

Safety data collection tools for real-world reporting

Resources for the collection of safety data by non-clinician and clinician data collectors

PRIME trainer and learner manuals

Nine new workshops, focused on Health Centre Management and Patient Centred Services.

Policy brief and posters for community management project in Uganda

Use of rapid diagnostic tests to improve malaria treatment in the community in Uganda

Outils de collecte de données concrètes sur la sécurité des médicaments

Ressources permettant aux collecteurs de donnes cliniciens et non cliniciens de recueillir des informations sur la scurit des mdicaments

Manuels de formation de l'étude en pharmacie en Ouganda

Utilisation des tests de dpistage rapide par les pharmaciens afin d'amliorer le traitement du paludisme

Manuais de formação para ensaio realizado em postos de venda de medicamentos no Uganda

Utilizao de testes de diagnstico rpido por vendedores de postos de venda de medicamentos para melhorar o tratamento da malria

Peer-reviewed publications

Would rational use of antibiotics be compromised in the era of test-based management of malaria?

Tropical Medicine and International Health

Using rapid diagnostic tests as source of malaria parasite DNA for molecular analyses in the era of declining malaria prevalence

Malaria Journal

Understanding interpretations of and responses to childhood fever in the Chikhwawa district of Malawi


The need for new antibiotics

The Lancet

The interaction between artemether-lumefantrine and lopinavir/ritonavir-based antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1 infected patients

BMC Infectious Diseases

Shifting from presumptive to test-based management of malaria - Technical basis and implications for malaria control in Ghana

Ghana Medical Journal

Seasonal and geographic differences in treatment-seeking and household cost of febrile illness among children in Malawi

The Malaria Journal

Performance of Interferon-Gamma and IP-10 Release Assays for Diagnosing Latent Tuberculosis Infections in Patients with Concurrent Malaria in Tanzania

The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Perceptions and utilization of the anti-malarials artemether-lumefantrine and dihydroartemisininpiperaquine in young children in the Chikhwawa District of Malawi: A mixed methods study

Malaria Journal

Neuroauditory toxicity of artemisinin combination therapies—Have safety concerns been addressed?

American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Measurement of lumefantrine and its metabolite in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis

Management of febrile children under five years in hospitals and health centres of rural Ghana

Malaria Journal

Interaction between artemether-lumefantrine and nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1-infected patients

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Integration of data from multiple sources for simultaneous modelling analysis: experience from nevirapine population pharmacokinetics

British Journal of Clinical Pharmocology

Improving access to health care for malaria in Africa: a review of literature on what attracts patients

Malaria Journal

How experiences become data: the process of eliciting adverse event, medical history and concomitant medication reports in antimalarial and antiretroviral interaction trials

BMC Medical Research Methodology

High throughput quantitation of artesunate and its degradation products by flow injection gradient ratio standard addition mass spectrometry (FI-GRSA-MS)†

Analytical Methods

Health facility utilisation changes during the introduction of community case management of malaria in South Western Uganda: An interrupted time series approach


Exploring meaning of participation in a clinical trial in a developing country setting: implications for recruitment

Trails Journal

Exploring health providers’ and community perceptions and experiences with malaria tests in South-East Nigeria: a critical step towards appropriate treatment

Malaria Journal

Eliciting harms data from trial participants: how perceptions of illness and treatment mediate recognition of relevant information to report

Trials Journal

Differential prevalence of transporter polymorphisms in symptomatic and asymptomatic Falciparum Malaria infections in Uganda

Journal of Infectious Diseases

Designing adverse event forms for real-world reporting: Participatory research in Uganda


Cost-effectiveness analysis of introducing RDTs for Malaria diagnosis as compared to microscopy and presumptive diagnosis in central and peripheral public health facilities in Ghana

The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Combining data from multiple spatially referenced prevalence surveys using generalized linear geostatistical models

Royal Statistical Society

Challenging logics of complex intervention trials: Community perspectives of a health care improvement intervention in rural Uganda

Social Science & Medicine

Aspirations for quality health care in Uganda: How do we get there?

Human Resources for Health

An evaluation of the clinical assessments of under-five febrile children presenting to primary health facilities in rural Ghana


An economic evaluation of home management of Malaria in Uganda: An interactive markov model


Accuracy of rapid tests for Malaria and treatment outcomes for Malaria and non-Malaria cases among under-five children in rural Ghana


Acceptability of Rapid Diagnostic Test-based management of Malaria among caregivers of under-five children in rural Ghana


'… in the project they really care for us': meaning and experiences of participating in a clinical study of first-line treatment for malaria and HIV in Tanzanian adults.

Global Public Health

“Every drug goes to treat its own disease…” - A qualitative study of perceptions and experiences of taking anti-retrovirals concomitantly with anti-malarials among those affected by HIV and malaria in Tanzania

Malaria Journal


Use of rapid diagnostic tests to improve malaria treatment in the community in Uganda

[Project summary in Français / Português]


Understanding perceptions of HIV-positive people taking malaria treatment

[Project summary in Français / 

The PRIME trial: Improving health centres to reduce childhood malaria in Uganda

[Project summary in Français / Português]


The ACTia trial: Safety of repeated drug use in children

[Project summary in Français / Português]


Restricting ACT drugs to patients with positive rapid diagnostic test results

[Project summary in Français / Português]


Perceptions and impact of introducing rapid diagnostic tests in drug shops

[Project summary in Français / Português]


Interactions between malaria and HIV drugs in people living with HIV

[Project summary in Français / Português]


InterACT: Interactions between malaria and HIV drugs in a malaria endemic area

[Project summary in Français / Português]


How perceptions of malaria medication affect adherence

[Project summary in Français / 

Collecting safety data in antimalarial drug trials

[Project summary in Français / 

Collating drug safety data from ACT Consortium studies

[Project summary in Français / Português]



World Malaria Report 2013: Major progress against disease 'still fragile'

Malaria deaths have declined by 45% globally since 2000 - thanks to prevention and control measures, political commitment and expanded funding. But improving access to diagnosis and

World AIDS Day 2013: What happens if we take HIV and malaria drugs at the same time?

Several African countries are heavily affected by both HIV/AIDS and malaria. The ACT Consortium is investigating how antimalarial and antiretroviral drugs interact when taken simultaneously.

Treatments in remote areas urgent to meet Millennium Development Goals

Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) is a strategy that enables those living beyond the reach of health facilities to access lifesaving treatments. It should be a national priority

Providing training and supplies to health centres not enough to improve children's health

A trial in a high malaria transmission area in Uganda aimed to improve quality of care for patients with a fever. It showed small improvements in malaria case management, patient satisfaction

New publication summarises ACT Consortium findings

"Answering key questions on malaria" is the lay summary of 25 research studies in 10 coutries in Africa and Asia. It is now available to the public at no cost, in English,

Message from our Director - end of 2013

As we wrap up the year, Professor David Schellenberg shares news of recent developments and plans for 2014 in the ACT Consortium.

Malaria Indicator Survey presented in Malawi

The Malawi National Malaria Control Programme launched the results of the 2014 Malawi Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) during the 2015 malaria research dissemination day in Lilongwe,

Improving delivery of malaria treatments

Professor David Schellenberg, Director of the ACT Consortium, discusses their work to improve the way artemisinin-based combination therapies are used to treat malaria, as well as the

Help us improve malaria diagnosis and treatment

The ACT Consortium will announce, in Addis Ababa, activities to help improve malaria diagnosis and treatment. The Ethiopian capital will host the first international summit on Social

Effective malaria control dramatically reduces deaths

The number of people dying from malaria has fallen dramatically since 2000 and malaria cases are also steadily declining, according to the World Malaria Report 2014. Experts highlight

ASTMH 2014: Malaria highlights

Bill Gates' announcement to increase malaria funding, strategic plans from the WHO to eliminate malaria and ACT Consortium research results were some of the malaria contributions seen

Are antimalarials safe to young children?

Artemisinin-based malaria drugs are viewed as safe, but animal safety studies raised concerns over their potential to cause damage to parts of the brain involved in hearing and balance.

ACT Consortium researchers present at ASTMH 2014

The 63rd annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene takes place between 2-6 November in New Orleans, USA. Find out which research results we will present

Access, targeting, safety and quality of ACT drugs at malaria conference

Delegates debated policy implications for the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in the public and private health sectors. ACT Consortium members presented research results