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ACT Consortium researchers present at ASTMH 2014

23 October 2014

The 63rd annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene takes place between 2-6 November in New Orleans, USA. Find out which research results we will present and how you can meet us during the conference.


The ACT Consortium will present at a number of symposia, scientific and poster sessions. Highlights include:


Scientific Sessions

You can also download the full schedule of ACT Consortium symposia, scientific sessions and posters at ASTMH 2014:

                 ACT Consortium at ASTMH 2014: schedule

 Please note that this schedule will be available as a paper leaflet at the meeting.


Meeting ACT Consortium members in New Orleans

In addition to our symposia, scientific sessions and posters, you can find some of our members as well as information about our research in the exhibition stand of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Malaria Centre (booth 211).

For any comments or questions, please email or join the ACT Consortium LinkedIn group.

Photo: Dr Kristian Hansen presents ACT Consortium research at the MIM Pan African Malaria Conference 2013 in South Africa.

Use our new video 

This 90 second video illustrates some of the problems faced by the malaria community, and what we can do to tackle them.

ACT Consortium research is part of a wider effort to target artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) to those who need them - and ultimately shrink the malaria map.

If you are part of this effort, we encourage you to use this video in your work, for example at conferences.

Check out the video

ACT Now For a Malaria Free World from ACT Consortium on Vimeo.

Research Themes