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Training manuals of drug shop trial in Uganda

Use of rapid diagnostic tests by drug shop vendors to improve malaria treatment

Category: Intervention Manuals

Sub Category: Intervention Manuals

Author: Sian Clarke, Anthony Mbonye (Principal Investigators)

Published Date: 12 September 2014


[Français / Português]

This manual was developed as a resource to train drug shop vendors (DSV) on malaria diagnosis using rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) and fever case management according to a set of algorithms and job aids which covered RDTs, ACT prescription, rectal artesunate pre-referral treatment, and when to refer.

The manual was used during the ACT Consortium RDT trial amongst registered drug shops in Mukono District, Uganda. Drug shop vendors were provided with a set of laminated job aids and forms to record treatment and refer patients.

The training follows adult learning principles and uses small group interactive training, which includes playing roles to simulate communication with the patient/caregiver and reaching a treatment decision while using these training materials.

The development of the manual was also based on prior training materials on RDTs:

  • How to use a rapid diagnostic test (RDT): A guide for training at a village and clinic level (Modified for training in the use of the Generic Pf Test for falciparum malaria). 2008. The  USAID Quality Assurance Project (QAP), University Research Co., LLC, and the World Health Organization (WHO): Bethesda, MD, and Geneva
  • User’s Manual:  Use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria in fever case management in Uganda. 2009. Ministry of Health, Uganda: Kampala

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