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Health equity analysis: ACT consortium guidance

Guidance for a non-economist audience on the importance of health equity analysis and most common methods

Category: Useful Resources

Sub Category: Method Guidance

Author: Lindsay Mangham-Jefferies

Published Date: 01 February 2009



This guidance is intended for a non-economist audience to enable them to understand the importance of health equity analysis and to introduce the most common methods for measuring equity in health.

 It will enable non-economists in participating in health equity analysis and designing equity component of future studies. It includes examples of tools that may be used for data collection for equity analysis.

The main topics incorporated in this guidance are:

  • Description of possible measures for the analysis: health outcomes, utilisation, self-reported health, health events (adverse events)
  • How to divide into population groups (socio-economic groups), direct and proxy measures of socio-economic status
  • How to measure the degree of inequality


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