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Poor quality drugs: grand challenges in high throughput detection, countrywide sampling, and forensics in developing countries


Category: Publications

Author: Facundo M. Fernandez, Dana Hostetlera, Kristen Powella, Harparkash Kaurb, Michael D. Greenc, Dallas C. Mildenhalld, and Paul N. Newton

Published Date: 07 August 2011


Throughout history, poor quality medicines have been a persistent problem, with periodical crises in the supply of antimicrobials, such as fake cinchona bark in the 1600s and fake quinine in the 1800s. Regrettably, this problem seems to have grown in the last decade, especially afflicting unsuspecting patients and those seeking medicines via on-line pharmacies. Here we discuss some of the challenges related to the fight against poor quality drugs, and counterfeits in particular, with an emphasis on the analytical tools available, their relative performance, and the necessary workflows needed for distinguishing between genuine, substandard, degraded and counterfeit medicines.


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