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The primacy of public health Considerations in defining poor quality medicines

Paul N. Newton, Abdinasir A. Amin, Chris Bird, Phillip Passmore, Graham Dukes, Go ran Tomson, Bright Simons, Roger Bate, Philippe J. Guerin, Nicholas J. White  |  Published 2011-12-06
PLos Medicine

Interaction between artemether-lumefantrine and nevirapine-based antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1-infected patients

T. Kredo, K. Mauff, J. S. Van der Walt, L. Wiesner, G. Maartens, K. Cohen, P. Smith, and K. I. Barnes  |  Published 2011-09-26
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Short report : Rolling Malaria Indicator Surveys (rMIS): A Potential District-Level Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tool for program managers

Arantxa Roca-Feltrer, David G. Lalloo, Kamija Phiri, and Dianne J. Terlouw  |  Published 2011-09-14
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Poor quality drugs: grand challenges in high throughput detection, countrywide sampling, and forensics in developing countries

Facundo M. Fernandez, Dana Hostetlera, Kristen Powella, Harparkash Kaurb, Michael D. Greenc, Dallas C. Mildenhalld, and Paul N. Newton  |  Published 2011-08-07

Tinkering and Tailoring: Use of medicines and rapid diagnostic tests for malaria by private providers in Cambodia

Clare I R Chandler, Mikhael De Souza, Patricia Tabernero, Pisen Phoeuk, Daro Kim, James Kizito, Miriam Kayendeke, Sim, Rada, Chea Ngun, Shunmay Yeung  |  Published 2011-07-01

Likely health outcomes for untreated acute febrile illness in the tropics in decision and economic models; A Delphi survey

Yoel Lubell, Sarah G. Staedke, BrianM. Greenwood, Moses R. Kamya, Malcolm Molyneux, Paul N. Newton, Hugh Reyburn, Robert W. Snow, Umberto DAlessandro, Mike English, Nick Day, Peter Kremsner, Arjen Dondorp, Wilfred Mbacham, Grant Dorsey, Seth Owusu-Agyei,  |  Published 2011-02-24

Afghanistan Entry & Exit Interview Study

Clare Chandler, Molly Wood, James Kizito, Miriam Kayendeke, Christine Nabirye, Tamanna Ahmad, Karimullah Karimullah, Mohibullah Motahed, Anwar Hazansai, Sayed Habib Baktash, Nadia Anwari5, Nader Mohammed, Ismail Mayan, Amy Mikhail, Mark Rowland  |  Published 2011-01-01
Summary results from qualitative analysis

Manuels de formation pour l'étude REACT au Cameroun

Training Resources  |  Universit de Yaound ; lcole dhygine et de mdecine tropicale de Londres ; luniversit du Nigria ; le programme national de contrle du paludisme ; le Cameroun ; la fondation Fobang au Cameroun.  |  Published 2010-11-01
Les manuels du formateur et du participant REACT sur l'amlioration du dpistage et du traitement du

Manuais de formação do estudo REACT realizado nos Camarões

Training Resources  |  University of Yaound; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; University of Nigeria; Programa Nacional de Controlo da Malria, Camares; The Fobang Foundation, Camares  |  Published 2010-11-01
Manuais REACT para formadores e participantes sobre a melhoria do diagnstico e tratamento da malria

An economic evaluation of home management of Malaria in Uganda: An interactive markov model

Yoel Lubell, Anne J. Mills, Christopher J. M. Whitty, Sarah G. Staedke  |  Published 2010-08-27

REACT Summary of Qualitative results - Cameroon Sept 2010

Other Intervention Tools  |  Summary prepared by Clare I R Chandler and Joanna L Reynolds; Fieldwork with: Abanda Ngu Njei, Olivia Achonduh, Theresia Njuabe, Albertine, Lele, Joelle Pamen, Rachel Nguela, Joel Ambebila, Ignatius Ndong; Analysis with: James Kizito, Miriam Kayendeke and  |  Published 2010-08-01

REACT Summary of Qualitative results - Cameroon Sept 2010

Summary prepared by Clare I R Chandler and Joanna L Reynolds; Fieldwork with: Abanda Ngu Njei, Olivia Achonduh, Theresia Njuabe, Albertine, Lele, Joelle Pamen, Rachel Nguela, Joel Ambebila, Ignatius Ndong; Analysis with: James Kizito, Miriam Kayendeke  |  Published 2010-08-01

The need for new antibiotics

Frank Baiden, Seth Owusu-Agyei, Jayne Webster, Daniel Chandramohan  |  Published 2010-02-20
The Lancet

Manuels de formation : utilisation des combinaisons thérapeutiques à base d'artémisinine et des tests de dépistage rapide pour la prise en charge à domicile de la fièvre en Ouganda

Training Resources  |  Docteur Richard Ndyomugenyi, programme national de lutte contre le paludisme, Ministre de la sant (Ouganda) et Docteur Sin Clarke, Docteur Clare Chandler, Docteur Pascal Magnussen, Docteur Kristian Hansen and Docteur Caroline Lynch, ACT Consortium, co  |  Published 2010-01-01
Ressource pour former les personnels de sant communautaires l'utilisation des tests de dpistage rapide

Manuais de formação: Utilização de terapias combinadas à base de artemisina e de testes de diagnóstico rápido para a gestão domiciliária da febre no Uganda

Training Resources  |  Dr. Richard Ndyomugenyi, Programa Nacional de Controlo da Malria, Ministrio da Sade, Uganda e Dra. Sin Clarke, Dra. Clare Chandler, Dr. Pascal Magnussen, Dr. Kristian Hansen e Dra. Caroline Lynch, ACT Consortium, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Me  |  Published 2010-01-01
Recurso para ministrar formao aos funcionrios dos servios de sade comunitrio sobre a utilizao

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