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Qualitative methods for international health intervention research

Social Science  |  Chandler, C.I.R., Reynolds, J., Palmer, J., & Hutchinson, E.  |  Published 2014-01-09
Social science guidance from the ACT Consortium available for wider research community.

Méthodes qualitatives pour la recherche sur les interventions internationales en matière de santé

Social Science  |  Chandler, C.I.R., Reynolds, J., Palmer, J., & Hutchinson, E.  |  Published 2014-01-09
Guide de sciences sociales de lACT Consortium destin lensemble de la communaut scientifique.

Métodos Qualitativos para a Investigação de Intervenção Internacional no Domínio da Saúde

Social Science  |  Chandler, C.I.R., Reynolds, J., Palmer, J. e Hutchinson, E.  |  Published 2014-01-09
Orientao sobre cincias sociais do ACT Consortium disponvel para a comunidade de investigao em geral.

Real-time PCR threshold cycle (Ct) cut-offs help to identify agents causing acute childhood diarrhea in Zanzibar

Kristina Elfvinga, Maria Andersson, Mwinyi I. Msellem, Christina Welinder-Olsson, Max Petzold, Anders Bjrkman, Birger Trollfors, Andreas Mrtensson and Magnus Lindha  |  Published 2014-01-08
Journal of Clinical Microbiology

What determines providers' stated preference for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria?

Lindsay Mangham-Jefferies, Kara Hanson, Wilfred Mbacham, Obinna Onwujekwe, Virginia Wiseman  |  Published 2014-01-01
Social Science & Medicine

How experiences become data: the process of eliciting adverse event, medical history and concomitant medication reports in antimalarial and antiretroviral interaction trials

Elizabeth N Allen, Adiel K Mushi, Isolide S Massawe, Lasse S Vestergaard, Martha Lemnge, Sarah G Staedke, Ushma Mehta, Karen I Barnes and Clare IR Chandler  |  Published 2013-11-14
BMC Medical Research Methodology

The usefulness of rapid diagnostic tests in the new context of low Malaria transmission in Zanzibar

Delr Shakely mail, Kristina Elfving equal contributor, Berit Aydin-Schmidt, Mwinyi I. Msellem, Ulrika Morris, Rahila Omar, Xu Weiping, Max Petzold, Bryan Greenhouse, Kimberly A. Baltzell, Abdullah S. Ali, Anders Bjrkman, Andreas Mrtensson  |  Published 2013-09-04

Cost-effectiveness analysis of introducing RDTs for Malaria diagnosis as compared to microscopy and presumptive diagnosis in central and peripheral public health facilities in Ghana

Evelyn K. Ansah, Michael Epokor, Christopher J. M. Whitty, Shunmay Yeung and Kristian Schultz Hansen  |  Published 2013-08-26
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Malaria “diagnosis” and diagnostics in Afghanistan

Joanna Reynolds, Molly Wood, Amy Mikhail, Tamanna Ahmad, Karimullah Karimullah, Mohibullah Motahed, Anwar Hazansai, Sayed Habib Baktash, Nadia Anwari, James Kizito, Ismail Mayan, Mark Rowland, Clare Chandler, and Toby Leslie  |  Published 2013-04-03
Qualitative Health Research

Acceptability of Rapid Diagnostic Test-based management of Malaria among caregivers of under-five children in rural Ghana

Frank Baiden, Seth Owusu-Agyei, Eunice Okyere, Mathilda Tivura, George Adjei, Daniel Chandramohan, Jayne Webster  |  Published 2012-09-18

Accuracy of rapid tests for Malaria and treatment outcomes for Malaria and non-Malaria cases among under-five children in rural Ghana

Frank Baiden, Jayne Webster, Mathilda Tivura, Rupert Delimini, Yvonne Berko, Seeba Amenga- Etego, Akua Agyeman-Budu, Akosua B. Karikari, Jane Bruce, Seth Owusu-Agyei, Daniel Chandramohan  |  Published 2012-04-13

Designing adverse event forms for real-world reporting: Participatory research in Uganda

Emma C. Davies, Clare I. R. Chandler, Simeon H. S. Innocent, Charles Kalumuna, Dianne J. Terlouw, David G. Lalloo, Sarah G. Staedke, Ane Haaland  |  Published 2012-03-29

An evaluation of the clinical assessments of under-five febrile children presenting to primary health facilities in rural Ghana

Frank Baiden, Seth Owusu-Agyei, Justina Bawah, Jane Bruce, Mathilda Tivura, Rupert Delmini, Stephaney Gyaase, Seeba Amenga-Etego, Daniel Chandramohan, Jayne Webster  |  Published 2011-12-13

Poor quality vital anti-malarials in Africa - an urgent neglected public health priority

Paul N Newton, Michael D Green, Dallas C Mildenhall, Aline Planon, Henry Nettey, Leonard Nyadong, Dana M Hostetler, Isabel Swamidoss, Glenn A Harris, Kristen Powell, Ans E Timmermans, Abdinasir A Amin, Stephen K Opuni, Serge Barbereau, Claude Faurant, Ra  |  Published 2011-12-13
Malaria Journal

Eliciting harms data from trial participants: how perceptions of illness and treatment mediate recognition of relevant information to report

Elizabeth N Allen, Karen I Barnes, Adiel Mushi, Isolide Massawe, Sarah G Staedke, Ushma Mehta, Lasse S Vestergaard, Martha M Lemnge, Clare I Chandler  |  Published 2011-12-13
Trials Journal

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