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Past events:
- 26 January: NMFI meeting (Geneva, Switzerland)
- 27-30 October: International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISOP) (Prague, Czech Republic)
- 25-29 October: 64th Annual Meeting American Society of Tropical Medicines & Hygiene (ASTMH) (Philadelphia, USA)
- 20-21 October: RDTs in the private sector meeting (Kampala, Uganda)
- 29 -30 September: The Roll Back Malaria Communication Community of Practice, Annual meeting (Kampala, Uganda)
- 23 September: Creativity in behaviour change, LSHTM (London, UK)
- 22 September: LSHTM annual symposium (London, UK)
- 17 September: Uganda drug shop dissemination meeting (Kampala, Uganda)
- 6-10 September: 9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH) (Basel, Switzerland)
- 1-2 June: Non-Malaria Febrile Illness event at Wellcome Trust & DFID (London, UK)
- 29 June - 1 July: Beating Malaria 2015 (London, UK)
- 28 May: Fake antimalarials: Start with the facts (Geneva, Switzerland)
- 12 May: Procurement & Supply Chain Management working group (Geneva, Switzerland)
- 30 April - 1 May & 5-6 May: RDTiC working group meeting (London, UK)
- 23 April: World Malaria Day (London, UK)
- 15 April: Symposium "Invest in the future: defeat malaria" (London, UK)
- 26-27 March: Malaria Centre Retreat (Cambridge, UK)
- 16-20 March: Roll Back Malaria (RBM) East & Southern Africa sub-regional network meeting (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)
- 19 March: Combating counterfeit medicines: the solutions at the Royal Society of Chemistry (London, UK)
- 5-7 March: Malaria Policy Advisory Committee meeting (Geneva, Switzerland)