8 October 2010
5th November 2010, 1.30 - 3.15 pm, Marriott Marquis A
Symposium topic category: Malaria (Session number 84)
Description: The ACT Consortium is an international research collaboration aiming to maximize the public health impact of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACTs) through high quality, policy driven, multidisciplinary operational research. We are currently coordinating 16 studies in 9 countries involving 21 partner institutions from Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States. November 2010 will mark three years since our launch, and this symposium will highlight some of the exciting initial quantitative and qualitative findings from our fieldwork. This symposium will focus on health provider use of ACTs and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in Africa and Asia, the problem of counterfeit ACTs, and ACT interactions with antiretroviral treatment (ART) in South Africa.
1. To explore the current perceptions and use of malaria diagnostics and ACTs in malaria endemic countries
2. To gain an understanding of the methods to evaluate complex interventions to improve access, targeting and safety of ACTs
3. To learn about the latest results from the ACT Consortium projects
Programme and Speakers:
1.30 pm Introduction to ACTs and RDTs in Use – Prof. David Schellenberg/ LSHTM (10 min)
1.40 pm RDTs in Health Facilities – results from randomized trials in Afghanistan and Ghana – Dr Toby Leslie/ LSHTM and Dr. Evelyn Ansah/ Ghana Health Service (20 min joint presentation)
10 min Q&A
2.10 pm Diagnostics of febrile illness in Health Facilities – results from Ghana and Tanzania – Dr. Frank Baiden/ Kintampo Health Research Centre and Dr. Hugh Reyburn/ Joint Malaria Programme (20 min joint presentation)
10 min Q&A
2.40 pm ACTs: what the label won’t tell you – Prof. Facundo Fernandez/ Georgia Tech (10 min)
2.50 pm ACT interactions with antiretroviral therapy – results from South Africa – Prof. Karen Barnes / Univ. of Cape Town (10 min).
10 min Q&A
3.10 pm Summary - Prof. David Schellenberg/ LSHTM (5 min)
Reception to follow: the ACT Consortium is hosting a joint reception with friends and alumni of LSHTM at 7 pm in Marriott Room A-705. Please register if you would like to attend. We look forward to seeing you on 5th November!