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The impact of improved delivery of ACTs will be undermined if the drugs are of suspect quality. This cuold be due to counterfeiting, substandard manufacturing or simply degradation due to poor or prolonged storage.

Useful resources | Peer-reviewed publications | Projects | News

Useful resources

Poor quality malaria drugs: how many and where? (Research brief)

Research brief

Medicamentos para a malária de má qualidade: quantos são e onde estão? (Resumo da Evidência)

Resumo da Evidncia

Médicaments antipaludéens de mauvaise qualité : Combien en existe-t-il et où les trouve-t-on? (research brief)

Research Brief

Peer-reviewed publications

Treatment guided by rapid diagnostic tests for malaria in Tanzanian children: safety and alternative bacterial diagnoses

Malaria Journal

The primacy of public health Considerations in defining poor quality medicines

PLos Medicine

Socially-marketed rapid diagnostic tests and ACT in the private sector: ten years of experience in Cambodia

Malaria Journal

Quality of artemisinin-containing antimalarials in Tanzania’s private sector— Results from a nationally representative outlet survey

American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene - Supplement on the Pandemic of Falsified Medicines

Quality of artemisinin-based combination formulations for Malaria treatment: Prevalence and risk factors for poor quality medicines in public facilities and private sector drug outlets in Enugu, Nigeria


Quality of antimalarials at the epicenter of antimalarial drug resistance: Results from an overt and mystery client survey in Cambodia

American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene - Supplement on the Pandemic of Falsified Medicines

Poor-quality antimalarial drugs in southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa


Poor quality vital anti-malarials in Africa - an urgent neglected public health priority

Malaria Journal

Poor quality drugs: grand challenges in high throughput detection, countrywide sampling, and forensics in developing countries


Febrile illness management in children under five years of age: a qualitative pilot study on primary health care workers’ practices in Zanzibar

Malaria Journal

Fake anti-malarials: start with the facts

Malaria Journal

Effect of the Affordable Medicines Facility—malaria (AMFm) on the availability, price, and market share of quality-assured artemisinin-based combination therapies in seven countries: a before-and-after analysis of outlet survey data


Degradation of Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapies Under Tropical Conditions

The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Availability and price of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in the public and private health sectors in 2011: results from 10 nationally representative cross-sectional retail surveys.

Tropical Medicine & International Health

Antimalarial drug quality: methods to detect suspect drugs

Future Medicine

A tiered analytical approach for investigating poor quality emergency contraceptives



Analysing the quality and authenticity of ACT drugs

[Project summary in Français / Português]


Access and quality of malaria diagnosis and treatment in South-East Asia

[Project summary in Français / Português]



World Malaria Report 2013: Major progress against disease 'still fragile'

Malaria deaths have declined by 45% globally since 2000 - thanks to prevention and control measures, political commitment and expanded funding. But improving access to diagnosis and

Une étude réalisée au Nigéria révèle qu’un médicament antipaludéen sur dix est de mauvaise qualité

L’étude approfondie de plus de 3 000 médicaments antipaludéens achetés à Enugu, au Nigéria, a révélé que 9,3 % d’entre

Substandard and falsified medicines: Day 3 at ECTMIH

The ACT Consortium drug quality programme shared findings on antimalarial sampling and analysis in a session dedicated to the surveillance of poor quality medicines.

Study in Nigeria finds 1 in 10 malaria drugs are poor quality

A rigorous analysis of more than 3,000 antimalarials purchased in Enugu, Nigeria found 9.3% to be of poor quality, according to new research published in PLOS ONE. Substandard medicines

New publication summarises ACT Consortium findings

"Answering key questions on malaria" is the lay summary of 25 research studies in 10 coutries in Africa and Asia. It is now available to the public at no cost, in English,

Message from our Director - end of 2013

As we wrap up the year, Professor David Schellenberg shares news of recent developments and plans for 2014 in the ACT Consortium.

Malaria drug resistance a potential 'global disaster'

Malaria experts from the World Health Organization Western Pacific Region and key partners are reiterating a warning that anti-malarial drug resistance is an ever-growing challenge

Les traitements falsifiés du paludisme pas aussi courants que ce qui avait été auparavant signalé

Les chercheurs se réjouissent des résultats rassurants mais font remarquer que les médicaments de mauvaise qualité demeurent un problème.

Improving delivery of malaria treatments

Professor David Schellenberg, Director of the ACT Consortium, discusses their work to improve the way artemisinin-based combination therapies are used to treat malaria, as well as the

Help us improve malaria diagnosis and treatment

The ACT Consortium will announce, in Addis Ababa, activities to help improve malaria diagnosis and treatment. The Ethiopian capital will host the first international summit on Social

Fake malaria medicines: experts gather in Geneva

Drug quality specialists discussed prevention and surveillance methods to tackle the risks posed by poor quality medicines. The "Fake antimalarials: Start with the facts"

Fake malaria drugs not as common as previously reported

A rigorous analysis of antimalarial drug quality conducted in Cambodia and Tanzania found no evidence of fake medicines, according to new research published in the American Journal

Fake antimalarials: meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on 28 May

The ACT Consortium will host a drug quality meeting entitled "Fake antimalarials: start with the facts" on 28th May 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. Deadline to RSVP is 8 May.

Estudo realizado na Nigéria conclui que 1 em 10 medicamentos para a malária são de fraca qualidade

Após uma análise rigorosa a mais de 3.000 medicamentos para a malária comprados em Enugu, na Nigéria, concluiu-se que 9,3% eram de fraca qualidade, de acordo

Effective malaria control dramatically reduces deaths

The number of people dying from malaria has fallen dramatically since 2000 and malaria cases are also steadily declining, according to the World Malaria Report 2014. Experts highlight

ASTMH 2014: Malaria highlights

Bill Gates' announcement to increase malaria funding, strategic plans from the WHO to eliminate malaria and ACT Consortium research results were some of the malaria contributions seen

ACT Consortium researchers present at ASTMH 2014

The 63rd annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene takes place between 2-6 November in New Orleans, USA. Find out which research results we will present

Access, targeting, safety and quality of ACT drugs at malaria conference

Delegates debated policy implications for the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in the public and private health sectors. ACT Consortium members presented research results