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PRIME trainer and learner manuals


Nine new workshops, focused on Health Centre Management and Patient Centred Services.

Category: Intervention Manuals

Sub Category: Intervention Manuals

Author: Citationforcollectivemanuals:InfectiousDiseasesResearchCollaboration&ACTConsortium, LondonSchoolofHygiene&TropicalMedicine(2011).TheACTPRIMETrainerandLearnerManuals.

Published Date: 15 September 2014


The 18 manuals represent trainer and learner copies for each workshop. The intended workshop participants are clinicians, nurses and nursing aids workingat primary health care centres. In Uganda, these are Health Centres level II and III. The workshops and materials are designed from adult learning principles, using interactive processes to support incorporation of new ideas, tools and principles into everyday practice.

The workshops are designed to be led by trained facilitators, with knowledge and experience of supporting change in health worker practices through interactive learning. The workshops are designed to be carried out at intervals of at least one week, to allow participants to put into practice their learning from each workshop, and bring back any queries, challenges and reflections to the group in the subsequent workshop. The workshops are designed to be carried out in small groups of 10-15 peers who work in the same or neighbouring health centres. 

PRIME and PROCESS evaluation

The impact of these workshops was assessed together with workshops from an existing training manual in fever case management and a system to ensure supplies of ACTs and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) when stocks ran low.
The PRIME trial evaluates the impact on health outcomes in populations and appropriate treatment for malaria at health centres. The PROCESS evaluation assesses the implementation of the intervention, the dose received, proximal effectiveness, wider impact and contextual factors affecting uptake and outcomes. 

Learn more about the PRIME and PROCESS studies.

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