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Open consultation for Global Technical Strategy for malaria

31 July 2014

Malaria experts

Until 15 August, an online consultation is open for the draft post-2015 global technical strategy for malaria (GTS) from the World Health Organization: Accelerating progress towards elimination.


Following support from WHO Member States at the 66th World Health Assembly to develop a draft global malaria strategy for the post-2015 period, seven regional consultations were held to gather input from more than 400 experts representing national malaria programmes, ministries of health, research organizations and implementing partners.

The process has been led by the Secretariat and supported by both the Malaria Policy Advisory Committee and a dedicated Steering Committee of leading malaria experts, scientists and representatives of countries where malaria is endemic.

Following the consultations, a revised draft was prepared for this open online web consultation of Member States, consultation participants and malaria stakeholders. Further inputs from WHO Regional Offices and the Regional Committee meetings will be incorporated before submission for discussion at the 136th meeting of the Executive Board to the World Health Assembly.

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