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Have your say in the next Global Malaria Action Plan

1 July 2014

Mother and child in malaria care

The process of developing the second Global Malaria Action Plan (GMAP2) for the period 2016-2025 is now focusing on country consultations to ensure it is responsive to country needs and realities.

The phase of regional level consultations has been completed. The process for country consultations starts off by talking with affected communities, community development workers, first line health workers, district and regional staff.

The views of these key stakeholders are put at the centre of national level consultations that involve a broad multisectoral audience including civil society, the private sector, academia, donors and Government representatives from different sectors and levels.

Between 16-20th June Caritas-India convened a successful community consultation in Nagoan District in Assam, and a national level consultation in New Delhi. The Pilipinas Shell Foundation and Deloitte Consulting convened a similarly rich mix of stakeholders at consultations in Rizal and Palawa provinces and Manila in the same timeframe. 

Countries from different regions and at various stages on the pathway to elimination are all being encouraged to take part.

Photo credit: GMAP

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