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Malaria Eradication Scientific Alliance opens call for proposals

6 November 2013

MESA Call for Proposals
The MESA grants will support operational research on preventing the spread, or reintroduction, of malaria transmission between neighboring areas, or from hotspots and pockets of transmission.
Proposals must address innovative approaches to reach zero malaria transmission, or to prevent the reintroduction of malaria, in a specific zone which has neighboring areas where transmission still occurs; e.g. within district, at subnational level, between island and mainland, or at cross-border areas.

Researchers are invited to apply for operational research grants from the Malaria Eradication Scientific Alliance (MESA). The aim of these MESA grants is to fund scientific investigation in operational research pertinent to the science of malaria elimination and eradication. These projects will contribute to MESA's objective of catalysing needed research in malaria eradication science.

This funding opportunity has been informed by work led by the WHO Global Malaria Programme (GMP) in collaboration with MESA. GMP performed a landscape analysis of operational research and convened a meeting of representatives from malaria endemic countries as well as international stakeholders in Geneva, 17th -18th October, to identify priority operational research areas that are relevant to malaria elimination.

As it is often recognised that research and programme partners (e.g. the national malaria control programme (NMCP), local operator, etc.) do not always interact on research projects; that both the public health services and the private sector have important roles in malaria elimination; and that coordination within and between neighbouring countries is important in malaria elimination, we encourage applicants to this MESA call to consider these elements in their proposals.

It is expected that part of the approach will include preventing, identifying, responding to, and clearing up pockets of transmission/hotspots. Up to four grants are available up to 200,000 USD. The expected project period is between 12 – 18 months. Projects must be finalised no later than August 2015.

The application deadline is: Wednesday, 11 December 2013, 23:59 Central European Time.

Please advise the MESA Secretariat of your intention to apply for a MESA grant by 15 November 2013:
Send an email to with the subject line "Intention to apply, MESA 2013 call for proposals", and include only your name, affiliation and email address in the body of the email.

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