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Malaria No More by 2030?

6 July 2015

Bill Gates is optimistic about ending malaria in two decades: “My personal hope is that we can get it done more like 2030,” he said at a Malaria No More UK event in London.


Recently, some of the world’s brightest minds have been sharing their visions for a malaria free world.

 In London, Bill Gates answered questions (link to Q&A) from a global audience on our generation's opportunity to end extreme poverty by 2030. Malaria featured throughout, including a question from one audience member who asked about a date to end malaria. 

The founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which funds the ACT Consortium through a grant to the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, was optimistic that the world will see an end to malaria between 2030 and 2040, adding: "My personal hope is that we can get it done more like 2030".

Alan Magill, Director of the Gates Malaria Programme, described his job in four words: A Malaria Free World. Alan addressed a group of members of the recently appointed UK parliament on the need to keep accelerating progress against the disease – until one day we are free from it. "It’s about saving lives now and saving lives forever,” he said.

In Cannes, 29 teams from the world’s top media agencies competed in the Young Lions Media Competition for charity to create a communications plan to grow a committed coalition of businesses to defeat the disease.  


 Photo: Bill Gates


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