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Useful resources

Training manuals: Use of artemisinin-based combination therapies and rapid diagnostic tests for home-based management of fever in Uganda

Resource to train community health workers on the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests and fever management.

Training manuals from REACT study in Cameroon

The REACT Facilitator and Participant Manuals on improving malaria diagnosis and treatment

TACT trainer and trainee manuals and patient leaflet

The TACT training manuals and patient leaflet were designed to support the use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs).

Prospectus du patient et manuels du formateur et du stagiaire pour TACT

Le prospectus du patient et les manuels de formation pour TACT ont t conus pour faciliter lutilisation des tests de dpistage rapide du paludisme (RDT).

Manuels de formation pour l'étude REACT au Cameroun

Les manuels du formateur et du participant REACT sur l'amlioration du dpistage et du traitement du paludisme

Manuels de formation : utilisation des combinaisons thérapeutiques à base d'artémisinine et des tests de dépistage rapide pour la prise en charge à domicile de la fièvre en Ouganda

Ressource pour former les personnels de sant communautaires l'utilisation des tests de dpistage rapide du paludisme et la prise en charge de la fivre.

Manuais TACT para formadores e formandos e folheto TACT para pacientes

Os manuais de formao TACT e o folheto TACT para pacientes foram concebidos para promover a utilizao dos testes de diagnstico rpido (RDT) da malria.

Manuais de formação: Utilização de terapias combinadas à base de artemisina e de testes de diagnóstico rápido para a gestão domiciliária da febre no Uganda

Recurso para ministrar formao aos funcionrios dos servios de sade comunitrio sobre a utilizao de testes de diagnstico rpido para a malria e sobre a gesto dos estados febris.

Manuais de formação do estudo REACT realizado nos Camarões

Manuais REACT para formadores e participantes sobre a melhoria do diagnstico e tratamento da malria


Providing training and supplies to health centres not enough to improve children's health

A trial in a high malaria transmission area in Uganda aimed to improve quality of care for patients with a fever. It showed small improvements in malaria case management, patient satisfaction

Malaria diagnosis training manuals released

Health workers may now benefit from training manuals to best use malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). The resource was developed during a clinical trial in Tanzania and the authors